What is the Time Machine?

THE TIME MACHINE is an immersive exhibition that transforms an old Bank in Miltown Malbay into a portal, transporting you to the past and future to help us imagine ourselves in 2084.

Spaces are limited and all profits from ticket sales will be reinvested in the community!

ACCESSIBILITY: While the ground floor exhibition will be open and accessible The Time Machine performance is up a domestic staircase that will not be accessible to wheelchair users and may not be accessible to people with mobility issues. If you are concerned about access please contact us at crackinglightproductions@gmail.com.


Who Gets The Money?

All profits from ticket sales of The Time Machine will go back into the community. You can make a suggestion about who you think should receive the profits as a donation here and audiences will be able to vote on the top three most popular suggestions in August!

It all begins with an idea. John O’Donoghue once said that 'The Heart of Time is Possibility’ and we love the hope in that. To us The Time Machine is a way to conjure possibilities, working with the community to imagine possible futures. It’s a Creative Climate project that makes the big picture feel personal and elevates the best ideas of our shared history to help draw a map to the future.